Pinned Transaction

Guide to Features and Actions in the Pinned Transactions Tab

Pinned transactions allow users to pin and store important transactions, making it easier to manage and keep track of them.

How to pin a transaction

When you complete a transaction, KEYRING PRO Wallet provides you with a transaction hash (TXH for short)

Next to the TXH, you'll see an icon for pinning. Tap that icon to pin the transaction. You can view all your pinned transactions in the Pinned Transaction tab on the main screen.

Add a memo

In the Pinned Transaction tab, swipe left on a saved transaction. You'll see two options: Delete and Add Memo.

  • Add Memo: Use this to add notes or reminders to your pinned transaction for better clarity.

  • You can edit a memo the same way. If you want to delete a memo, just leave the content blank while editing.

Delete Pinned Transactions

To delete a pinned transaction, swipe left on the transaction and select "Delete."

Last updated